David Bijker

Film & TV Producer | Entrepreneur
Bijker TV

Bearleader in Film

About David

Bearleader in | Film

Home town | Haarlem

About | David Bijker has a background in journalism, TV and film. He travels the world for charity work and for shooting commercials, films and TV programs. He is always curious and on the look out for the best next thing.

Profession | Film Producer & Founder Gapstars & Entrepreneur at Bijker TV.

Achievements | David co-produced the Sundance film ‘A Foreign Affair’ at a young age. And was involved in Dutch film successes including ‘Achtste Groepers Huilen Niet’ and ‘Oorlogsgeheimen’ , both of which were awarded a Golden Calf. He is also the Dutch partner of the London multi-award winning production company HelloLove and co-owner of documentary production company Filimon.

LinkedIn | @David Bijker

Charities supported | Home of Hope, a children’s home in Sri Lanka.

Guides by David