Schilo van Coevorden

Chef & Reg. Director F&B
The Set Hotels

Bearleader in Hospitality

About Schilo

Bearleader in | Hospitality

Home town | Amstelveen

About | Schilo grew up in Amsterdam, just around the corner from the Conservatorium hotel. His heart lies in Asia though. As a chef, while being trained in classical French cuisine, he was inspired most by the exotic flavors from the Far East. He is most known for his creations at Taiko Cuisine in Amsterdam and Taiko Dubai, but also lets his creativity flow through the cuisine of the Lutetia Hotel in Paris and Café Royal in London.

Profession | Chef and Reg. Director Food & Beverage of The SET Hotels, which consists of the Conservatorium Hotel in Amsterdam, Hotel Lutetia in Paris and Hotel Café Royal in London. Schilo also is the Executive Chef of Taiko Cuisine in Amsterdam and Sofitel Obelisk’s Taiko Dubai.

Achievements | Schilo is well known for his encyclopaedic knowledge of Eastern flavours and customs. A visit to one of his restaurants is a ‘must do’ on any true food aficionado’s bucket list.

Instagram | @schilovancoevorden, @taikoamsterdam and @taikodubai

LinkedIn | @Schilo van Coevorden

Charities supported | The Salvation Army

Guides by Schilo