Gorka Bergareche

General Manager Park Hyatt Paris - Vendôme
Area VP Operations Luxury Hotels EAME

Bearleader in Hospitality

About Gorka Bergareche

Bearleader in | Hospitality

Home town | San Sebastián, Spain

About | A graduate of the prestigious Swiss Hospitality School, Gorka has over 25 years experience in the industry. He has led iconic Hyatt properties in London, Madrid, Paris, Milan and Amsterdam.

Profession | Hotelier & General Manager at Park Hyatt Paris Vendôme and Area VP Operations Luxury Hotels EAME

Achievements | He has led Park Hyatt Paris to achieve the world class ‘Palace Label’ and their first Michelin Star at chef Jean Francois Rouquette’s PUR Restaurant. He positioned Park Hyatt Milan amongst the leading hotels in the world and led the team to achieve two Michelin Stars for its accompanying VUN Restaurant by chef Andrea Aprea.

Instagram | @gorka_bergareche

Guides by Gorka Bergareche